Saturday, 13 October 2018

Not as easy as it seems!

Is gloss varnishing a good idea?  Well, not when taking photos...  Actually, the figures usually do not look so glossy but, today, I was trying out a couple of led torches as lighting.  When taking photos in natural daylight, the gloss is much less noticeable.  Probably, I won't use lights again.  I could come up with some sort of light tent, but that just complicates matters.  The battalion gun above was taken in natural daylight.

Anyway.  In my original enthusiasm, I intended to post on the blog every day.  Then decided every two days would be more realistic.  Now, it looks as though it will be once a week...  Maybe twice a week.

Except, I'm away most of next week so hopefully will post some more at the end of the week.  I might manage text during the week but not pictures, so we'll see.

I mentioned in the previous post my fishtank castle.  Here's another fishtank ornament in the right scale I thought had potential: a Greek ruin.

I've now got it slightly more believable for a campaign in the far reaches of mid/eastern Europe.

The only reason for its existence I can come up with is that it's a Folly.  There are many of these throughout the UK, and I assume they were also built in other parts of Europe.

But, remembering my first battle is going to be based on Donald Featherstone's "Plattville Valley" (henceforth to be known as "Plattzdorf" here for its new geographical setting) I've finished a couple of terrain items.

The churches I came across on the internet were too large for what I had in mind.  I'd this old ruined Scots Church lying around and realised nobody said a church had to be in use.  I made the graveyard to fit in with the size of the church.  As I'll be using a 6 x 4 feet table (just possibly 7 x 5) I don't want buildings to take up too much space.

Now, I've amended the original Plattville map to make it more appropriate for the campaign setting.  You will notice a slight Germanic influence in the names.  Those of you fluent in German may scorn the words but - remember - this is located in a country somewhere in the far reaches of the Holy Roman Empire and Google Translate couldn't help me!  

So that's all I've managed to do this week.  Even though I'm retired, "real life" doesn't half intrude into my hobby time...


  1. The buildings work really well Alik...
    Gloss all the way... :-)

    I use one of these for photographing my toys ... it’s easy and quick to put up and take down... the only thing I have added is an anglepoise lamp to light from above as well as the sides

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks for the suggestion. I've ordered the light-tent from Amazon and am looking forward to trying it out. In the meantime, it's back to daylight photography.
